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Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

If I Ruled Narnia...


  • Descriptive writing based on personal opinion, related to the novel.
  • Writing a well-formed paragraph, assessed with the Six-trait writing model.


  1. Think back to, or re-read the section in Ch. 9, when Edmund is on his way to the Queen's castle. He is beginning to get discouraged as he trudges through the snow, and might have turned back, except he happend to say to himself, "When I'm King of Narnia the first thing I shall do will be to make some decent roads." He continues thinking about the changes and laws he will make as King of Narnia. Also re-read the part in Ch. 17 that describes the laws and rules that the children made once they were Kings and Queens.
  2. Brainstorm several changes or laws that you would make if you were King or Queen of Narnia.
  3. Choose a few of your brainstormed ideas that are most important to you. For those ideas, add details telling how and why you would make those laws/changes. Also include what you think would be the consequences for all of Narnia if your laws and changes were in effect.
  4. Organize your thoughts into a paragraph. The first sentence should begin something like this..."If I were Queen/King of Narnia...."
  5. Revise and edit your paragraph, then write a final copy onto the castle pattern.
  6. Color the castle portions of the castle pattern.

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