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© 2006 Sacred Heart School. 

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Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

Saint Research Record Sheet

Required Research information:

 Chosen Saint (spell name accurately!) ______________________________________

 1. Saint's birth & death dates (or some indication of when the person lived)

 2. Where the saint lived or served

 3. Saint's feast day (according to Catholic Church)

 4. What special intentions or groups the saint is the patron of
(if there are many, list the 3 you think are most important)

 5. Prayer or novena to the saint (many have official prayers; if yours does not, you may make up a prayer of your own [at least 3 to 5 sentences] that focuses on what the saint is the patron of)

6. At least five facts about the saint's life
(especially focus on what the saint did that helped them become a saint)

7. A specific virtue that you can learn from this saint's life
(forgiveness, trust, honesty, etc.)