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Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

Kamitopia Constitution 2004-'05


We the citizens of Kamitopia, in order to form a more organized society, establish businesses, ensure peace, provide for the common well being, promote the general earning, and secure the blessings of Kami to ourselves and our neighbors and friends, will follow and protect this constitution for the democracy of Kamitopia.

How our government is organized:

All citizens of Kamitopia who are present at the Townhall Meeting will vote to make decisions.  Plurality votes will be used to decide matters.

Townhall Meetings will be led by the Treasurer.  We will limit the number of matters to be discussed to two.

We will have a list of matters to discuss, and the citizens at the meeting will decide which two matters to discuss.

We will use the following Parliamentary Procedure:

  • Stick to one topic at a time.
  • State the options for the decision, and the person who is proposing it explains what the problem/situation is.
  • Opportunity for anyone to discuss their ideas, opinions, reasons for or against certain options.
  • Citizens vote to choose the best option.

The legislative branch will consist of all citizens and laws will be made during Townhall Meetings.

The executive branch will consist of Security Personnel who will be civil servants elected by the citizens of Kamitopia.

The judicial branch will consist of a judge who is decided on with agreement of both people or groups who have a dispute.

Citizens of Kamitopia have the following rights and responsibilities:

  • Freedom of speech, limited to using appropriate language.
  • Freedom to price products or services at any price.
  • Each person’s written works are their own property and cannot be copied, sold, or used by others without permission and attribution.
  • Every citizen has the right to choose to be an entrepreneur, employee, and work as a civil servant.
  • Every citizen of Kamitopia has the right to a fair trial by the judge.
  • Every citizen is allowed to purchase products and then use them in their own business.
  • Every citizen has the right to import items for sale in Kamitopia, as long as they are within the $5 total limit.
  • Every citizen who signs a contract must follow what the contract says.
  • Every citizen must follow Sacred Heart School’s rules for safety and appropriateness.
  • Citizens have the right to gather together and ask the government to correct wrongs.

Approved this Ninth day of May in the year 2005, by the citizens of Kamitopia.