A Peek at This Week
Welcome to Mrs. Barragree and Miss Turner's fourth grade website!
May 18-22, 2015
We will be Studying:
*Note: Each listed subject that is underlined is a link with resources for you to use!*
Spelling: none
Reading: compare & contrast novel to movie version of the story; May book report on a text of your choice (any genre)
English: Specialty presentations
Religion: Virtue - Prudence; Religious vocations
Math: review games
Social Studies: none this week
Science: Ring of Fire extension activities
Technology: word processing; keyboarding (Click this link for the Typing Club website used at school.)
Specialty Project: turn in sources record sheets; return any resource books that you do not plan to display at the Specialty Fair; Specialty Fair (it's optional to print more business cards and design a tri-fold poster display)
Tests this Week:
post-test on cursive handwriting
Materials We Will Need:
- Return all classroom library books! (If you find some over the summer, feel free to drop them off in the school office or return them to me in August... I know how that goes!)
- sacks/bags to take home locker & desk "stuff" on Monday
- Please DO send backpacks every day, I'll be sending home many things throughout the week!
- Specialty Games - bring Monday if possible, Tuesday at the latest.
Notices for Parents:
- Please help your child locate & return all classroom library books.
- Please remember to order hot lunches by the last school day of the week at 9:00 a.m., the week before you plan to eat the lunches, through School Portal.
- Please check your child's planner EVERY DAY and sign it. This is the best way for us to communicate what your child needs to be completing for class.
- Please be sure that your child is wearing the appropriate & complete uniform. Reminder for girls - wear stud earrings, not hoops/dangles. Reminder for boys - wear a plain brown or black belt.
- If your child will not be at school for a planned absence, please email or send a note to me ahead of time. If your child is ill, please email me or call the front office that morning by 9:00 to notify us.
- Students NEED to have their basic 0-20 addition & subtraction facts and 0-12 multiplication facts WELL memorized, and should be working on memorizing 0-10 division facts. Please practice by using XtraMath.com daily at home until mastered. This only takes 7-10 minutes each day.
Upcoming Events:
May 15 - ALL classroom library books should be returned to the shelves. You may keep out your book report book if you are NOT finished with it, but if you are finished, please store it on the classroom shelf & pick it up when it is time to present.
May 18 - yearbook signing day & 8th grade vs. Teachers kickball game
May 18 - bring your Specialty Game (so we can have them ready for Tuesday)
May 19 - all school Mass
May 19 - Specialty Fair (open for viewing 1:00-2:30; families encouraged to come!) Required: everyone will have their binder, ABC book, and game displayed. Optional: Bring your tri-fold display board and extra business cards to pass out, as well as any other small items you want to display. Space will be limited!
May 20 - May book report due (return classroom books BEFORE this date if you are finished-place them on the special shelf in the classroom library!)
May 20 - K-5th grade Field Day & hot dog lunch
May 20 - deadline to meet VBF 4th Quarter reward criteria
May 21 - 4th Quarter VBF reward day (Zoomobile for those with 6 or more VBF cards & no Think Sheets; Zoomobile and walk to Casey's for those with 8 or more VBF cards & no Think Sheets)
May 21 - Faith Families
May 21 - all school Rosary (1:40)
May 22 - Last Day of School, early dismissal at 11:30 (assembly starts at 9:15-parents invited to attend!)
Thanks! to:
- Mrs. Brady for cutting the "decimal monsters" cards for our sorting activity!
- All of our WONDERFUL families for your support and help throughout the year!
Birthdays this month:
- Midori, Michael B., Josh, and Lauren B.!
- June & July birthdays: Johnny, Nolan, Sam Hom., Griffin, Natalie Ma., Evan, Sean, and Simon!
Click here for birthday treat guidelines.
Website Wonders of the Week:
- Pearl Harbor documentary video
- Sentence Clubhouse sentence types game
- Family Education is a site dedicated to helping parents take an active role in their kids' education. Homework help, parenting tips, and more!
- Use your class code to log on to XtraMath and practice your basic math facts. Your progress will be sent to your parents and your teacher.
- StudyJams for explanations of math and science concepts
- Learn about Internet safety with a wide variety of information & videos
- LearnZillion for lots of explanations for math and English/Language Arts topics.
- Dance Mat Typing - fun and practical typing games online
- Try Arcadamics for great online games for math, English, reading, and geography! You can compete against the computer, or other online players. Set up a "private game" and invite your SHS friends to join you in a cyber-space race.
- Math book online! Look for the pages that explain current day's topic if you forget to bring home your Math Journal. Use the ThinkCentral games to review and improve skills you've learned. Parents should email Mrs. Barragree if you would like this year's username & password for your child to use
Incoming 4th graders should be able to:
- Know that the Bible is separated into the Old Testament and New Testament
- Use the Bible's index to help look up a passage in the Bible when given the book, chapter number, and verse numbers
- Recite these prayers: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Act of Contrition, Grace Before Meals, Grace After Meals, Angel of God
- Have all basic addition and subtraction facts memorized (0-20)
- Know whole-number place values
- Add and subtract whole numbers
- Multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number
- Measure length to the nearest 1/2 inch and nearest centimeter (PRACTICE this at home!)
- Read and write in cursive (all lower case letters) with correct letter formation
- Recognize cursive capital letters
- Read a map using the compass rose and legend
- Copy accurately from a textbook or the board to their own paper
- Write complete, gramatically correct sentences
- Write stories and reports of at least 3 paragraphs
- Look up words in a dictionary using the guidewords at the top of the page
- Alphabetize words (often using letters beyond the first letter of the word)
- Spell their complete legal name
- Write their home address as it should appear on an envelope
- Use online search engines (such as OneKey) and key words
- Be learning to type using correct "home row" keyboarding skills (Use English link for online keyboarding practice.)