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Membean Expectations

(6th grade)

Membean is a research-based online program for learning vocabulary that is useful in literature, academic texts, and everyday life. The Sacred Heart middle school English teachers will be using Membean as part of our regular curriculum on a weekly basis. In order to effectively use Membean to improve students' vocabulary, the following guidelines should be followed:

Membean Expectations:

  • Students will log onto Membean as homework at least 2 times per week (on different days). A week is counted from Monday to midnight on Sunday.
  • Students will complete at least 15 minutes of study and practice per session. (total of 30 minutes per week)
  • Students will have 50% or better accuracy rate on each practice session. (If a session is less than 50% correct, an additional "make up" session should be done that week at a high enough accuracy rate.)
  • Students will use headphones/earbuds or their computer's speakers to LISTEN to the words, example videos, etc.
  • Students will actively use the variety of materials presented to learn and understand the meanings and uses of each word.
  • Students will take enough time with each word or question to do their best and show their understanding.

Membean "Fails" (Don't do these!):

  • Opening Membean in a tab, then doing other things on the computer instead.
  • Walking away from your computer in the middle of a Membean session. (If you need to do something else and your 15 minutes are not complete, log out of Membean until you can return and focus. Do the necessary additional minutes to have a total of 15 minutes of practice that day.)
  • Using "Membean hacks" to attempt to cheat and get credit for work you are not doing.
  • Having a parent, sibling, or other student do Membean for you, or tell you answers as you work on Membean.
  • "Multitasking" while doing Membean. (You should avoid all distractions!)

Membean "Pro Tips":

  • Doing more than 2 sessions per week will increase your vocabulary knowledge faster, and help you better understand what you read and hear in literature, textbooks, news, and life!
  • Set aside 2 specific days each week that work with your family's schedule to do your Membean. (Monday-Friday, that leaves the weekend to "catch up" if you forget or have an event that prevents you from doing Membean on your regular day.)
  • Writing reminders to complete Membean in your planner is helpful.
  • If you forget to do Membean until the last day of the week, it is better to do 2 sessions in one day than to do only one session that week. (Although you still will not earn full credit.)
  • Doing Membean on a phone or tablet does NOT always record in our system properly. We can only give you credit for Membean sessions that are recorded through the Membean system, so it is recommended that you always use a computer (laptop or desktop). If you do choose to use a phone or tablet, check with your teacher to see if the session was recorded. If it was not, you will need to do a make-up session.
  • If your family has computer or internet connectivity problems, have a parent write/email a note to your English teacher explaining the problem right away. We will work with you to have access to a computer at school so you can do your Membean. This may require you to arrive at school early.